Crowd under the stage of the Arenele Romane in Bucarest (Romania) during the concert held by the Falling Giant

Falling Giant



Here is our contact and mailing list signup form.

Give voice to your thoughts and feelings.

If you like our music, please let us know.
Moreover, we appreciate all the feedback you can give us. For instance, we want to know what you think about the band and the music we make.

So, we invite you to send us any sort of question or comment. We will be delighted to hear from you.

Mailing List

If you want to be among the first to have news from the band, to know when new music and videos are released, when and where the band will be performing in a live concert, or information of any type, besides visiting the ‘live’ concert page of this web site concerning future programed events or information and photos/videos of the past concerts, you can also signup to the mailing list to be the first to know things from and about us.

Contact Mailing List Form - Logo Falling Giant

If you want to send us your thoughts, or ask us any sort of question, please fill in the form below. In addition, you can express your opinion on our music, our way to performing, on the lyrics of the songs, ect. Enter all the information in required fields and, if you want, fill in also the optional fields.

You have to then tick the box where you have to accept that the data you send may be gathered and archived (in accordance to the privacy policy); this is a required field – if you do not accept this condition, you will be unable to send the form.

Furthermore, if you want to signup to the mailing list, tick the corrispondent box; this field is optional, but we would appreciate it if you signup to the mailing list, so that we can give you a preview of all the novity concerning the band.

    *Required Field
    **Optional Field

    For more information and details on how the data is used please consult our privacy policy.

    All the fields must be filled in and the privacy policy must be accepted in order to submit the form. Only the mailing list field is optional.

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